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Short Description: King’s Hardpan Native Grass Mix was deigned for caliche & high ph soils. This special use mixture was designed for those problematic areas where a typical native grass mix might not thrive. It has a mixture of grass species that can adapt and tolerate to the thin, dry calcareous type-soils found in the Hill Country and other alkaline areas.

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King’s Hardpan Native Grass Mix was designed for caliche & high ph soils. It has a mixture of grass species that can adapt and tolerate to the thin, dry caliche type-soils.

Planting: Plant with a “Whirlwind” type spreader, or a native grass drill seeder at a rate of 8-10 lbs. per acre. Apply seed in two equal half applications in different directions. Rake or drag lightly to cover seed to a depth of no more than .25 inches, and lightly roll the entire surface to firm seedbed if possible.


Suited to native soils in South Texas


Varies; should not be grazed prior to reaching 18-24 inches


Atascosa Texas Grama, Oso Halls Panicum, Chaparral Hairy Grama, Dilley Slender Grama, Sideoats Grama, Hachita Blue Grama, Buffalograss, Green Sprangletop, Curly Mesquite, Indiangrass, Little Bluestem, Silver Bluestem, Big Bluestem, Nueces Sand Dropseed, Duval Red Lovegrass, Sand Lovegrass