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52.50 52.5 USD 52.50


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Short Description: King’s Native Grass Mix combines 8 hearty native grasses for use in range and pasture seeding, native habitat restoration, wildscapes, and golf course applications. The diversity of species provides nutrient-rich grazing matter, excellent wildlife cover, seed production beneficial to wildlife and birds, and drought tolerance necessary for persistent cover and grass production on a range of soils throughout Texas and adjacent regions. Caution should be taken not to graze to quickly or too rigorously after planting. Native grass mix popular for habitat restoration, wildscapes, and golf course roughs. Provides excellent forage for livestock and cover/food for wildlife. Contains: Blue Grama, Little Bluestem, Green Sprangletop, Sideoats Grama, Buffalograss, Plains Bristlegrass, Big Bluestem, and Indiangrass

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King’s Native Grass Mix is a blend of 8 common native grasses for use in wildlife habitat restoration, rangeland restoration, pasture plantings, reclamation seedings, urban landscapes, and golf course roughs. Native grasses provide excellent wildlife habitat and sustainable grazing resources for livestock under natural conditions with little to no inputs. King’s Native Grass mix included both low-growing turf-type native grasses such as buffalograss and blue grama, as well as the most desirable mid- and tall- native grass species found in savannas, grasslands, prairies, and woodlands throughout Texas and adjacent regions. King’s Native Grass Mix is an excellent choice for recently disturbed soils to restore native grass cover, prevent erosion, and provide lasting cover for years to come.

Landscape Planting Rate: 5 lbs. per 1,000 square feet.

  • A 2 lb. bag should cover about 500 square feet. (Or a 50′ by 10′ area.)
  • A 5lb. bag should cover about 1,000 square feet. (Or a 50′ by 20′ area.)
  • A 10 lb. bag should cover about 2,000 square feet. (Or a 50′ by 40′ area.)

Rangeland Planting Rate: 10-15 lbs. per acre.

  • A 5lb. bag should plant about 1/3 acre.
  • A 10 lb. bag should plant 2/3 – 1 acre.
  • A 25 lb. bag should plant almost 2 acres.

For more information:

King’s Native Grass Mix Brochure

Guidelines for Native Grassland Restoration Projects from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Restoring Native Grasslands from Texas AgriLife Extension


Plant with a “whirlwind” type spreader, or preferably a native grass drill. Control existing weeds or vegetation with herbicides or tillage prior to seeding. Seedbed soil should be freshly disturbed prior to planting. Roll or drag lightly to cover seed to a depth of no more than 0.25 inches after broadcasting. Plant in early spring or late summer through autumn.


Suited to native soils throughout Texas and adjacent states


Varies; should not be grazed prior to reaching 18-24 inches


Blue Grama, Little Bluestem, Green Sprangletop, Sideoats Grama, Buffalograss, Plains Bristlegrass, Big Bluestem, and Indiangrass


Texas and adjacent regions